OPENING TIMES: Mon-Fri: 8:30 to 18:00

Your Security is our primary focus


November 24

Topic: VoIP Telephones

Cloud Telephony vs. VoIP – which is best for your business?

If your employees – or worse, your customers – have started to complain about your phone systems, it’s time to look at a new solution. Something that works well for everyone, whether that’s making life easier for your team, or giving your customers a smoother experience.  But what are your options, and which one is […]

Oct 24

Topic: Email Signature Security

Is your email signature putting your business at risk?

You probably don’t give your email signature much thought. It’s there to provide your contact details and maybe boost your branding, right? But have you ever stopped to consider exactly how much information you’re giving away? It’s enough to allow someone else to pretend to be you. Someone like a cyber criminal. They can use […]

Sept 24

Topic: Security Awareness Training

Cyber crime is always evolving. You should be too

Cyber crime is always evolving. You should be too More businesses are seeing the value of cyber security training, and that’s great. But still too many view it as a one-and-done exercise. If there’s one thing we know about cyber crime, it’s that it’s constantly evolving. And that means if you want to stay up […]

Annual Edition

Topic: IT Security

IT Buyer’s Guide for 2024

The 2024 IT Buyer’s Guide addresses key business queries in clear, accessible language. What are the top 5 technology revolutions to watch? Why do business owners switch IT partners? Why should you approach IT support companies with caution? At Your Cloud Works, we streamline our IT services selection process into a simple, four-step method. We […]

Special Edition

Topic: Cyber Security

Understanding the CrowdStrike Outage

A Guide for all concerned Business Owners and Managers   On July 19, 2024, a software update from CrowdStrike, a top cybersecurity firm, caused major disruptions, impacting 8.5 million Windows computers. This incident affected airports, supermarkets, and media outlets, causing significant operational issues. To help you navigate this, we’ve created a free PDF guide written […]

August 24

Topic: Data Backups

Data loss? Save yourself a mighty headache

Data loss? Save yourself a mighty headache What would you do if all your business data just… disappeared?  Maybe panic. Maybe stare at the screen in disbelief. But if you’re wise, you’ll have a safety net in place, in the form of reliable and tested data backup. Which would mean you can restore your data […]

July 24

Topic: IT Software

Time to say goodbye to Windows 10

It’s time to say goodbye to Windows 10 Next year we’ll say a final farewell to Windows 10 as it reaches end of life. Microsoft is stopping support. This means no new tools or features, and no more security updates. If you’re still using Windows 10 in your business, now’s the time to act so […]

June 24

Topic: IT Security

5 Steps to Recover from a Cyber Attack

The worst time to decide how to deal with a cyber attack is when you’re right in the middle of one.  Unfortunately, it’s something you’ll probably need to deal with eventually – small and medium sized businesses are a prime target for cyber criminals.  Our latest guide highlights 5 steps to stop a cyber attack […]

May 24

Topic: IT Security

Cyber attacks start with a simple email

Did you know it can just take one email to bring your entire business to its knees?  Why? Because a surprising 90% of cyber attacks begin with an email. And if you and your whole team are reliant on email every day, your chances of falling for a scam increase. 

April 24

Topic: IT Security

Why you’re better in a contract with your IT company

What happens when your business suffers an IT issue?  Whether it’s suspected malware, a data breach, or a computer that refuses to connect to anything, chances are it’s going to cause you and your team downtime.  In our latest guide we talk about break/fix vs contracted IT support, and the benefits for your business. 

March 24

Topic: IT Security

Secure your data under lock and key

The data in your business is invaluable. Without it you wouldn’t have much of a business left, would you? Our latest guide explains everything you need to know about encryption, and why it’s something you should implement straight away.

February 24

Topic: Device Monitoring

How proactive monitoring will help your business weather any storm

You’re the captain of your own ship. You have an excellent crew behind you. You’re prepared for anything! Or so you thought. Then one day, out of the blue, a massive digital kraken tentacled its way into your ship’s systems, causing havoc. Your lookout was using the crow’s nest as a cosy place to nap. What […]

January 24

Topic: Outsourced IT

Why outsourced IT always beats DIY

Did we ever tell you about our friend Dave?  Dave’s a business owner, just like you. And, maybe just like you, Dave struggled to let go of some of the things he did in his business. Whether it’s because you’re trying to save money, you don’t trust anyone to do things as well as you […]

December 23

Topic: Cyber Security

On the battle front: Protect your business from these cyber security threats in 2024

We’re weeks away from the new year. And this is a great time to start thinking about what needs to get better in 2024. We believe you should allocate a little more of your business’s precious resources on cyber security. Because as technology develops, so do the techniques used by cyber criminals to trick you […]

November 23

Topic: Remote Workers

Don’t forget home office security: A guide to keeping remote workers safe and secure

Are you forgetting something when it comes to your business’s security strategy? It’s likely you are, and cyber criminals are already taking advantage. More people than ever are working remotely. That means they’re using home networks and maybe even personal devices… and if you’re not taking the right steps to keeping everything secure, your entire […]

October 23

Topic: Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Could AI be key to growing your business?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) may feel futuristic and intimidating to some, but the truth is it’s neither. And it’s time for businesses to start embracing it… not just for customer support or writing emails, but to stay ahead of the competition and achieve real business growth. But where do you start with something that feels so… […]

September 23

Topic: Microsoft 365

10 productivity apps in 365 you’re already paying for (but might not be benefitting from)

Would you like to see this checklist? Microsoft 365 is essential software for millions of businesses. But it’s easy to forget that it’s so much more than Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Teams. It’s a comprehensive platform designed to enhance collaboration, streamline workflows, and ultimately, boost your business’s productivity. And if you haven’t taken the time […]

August 23

Topic: Business Productivity

The Metaverse explained: How it could affect your business

The Metaverse is a term that’s been buzzing around the tech world for some time now, and it could revolutionise the way we live, work, and play. As a business owner, it’s important that you know what the Metaverse is so that you don’t fall behind your competition. Our latest free guide explains: What the […]

July 23

Topic: Cyber Security

Human error : Your biggest cyber security risk

Small and medium-sized businesses are the most likely targets for all kinds of cyber attack. And the weakest link in your chain is your people. Good cyber security awareness training is critical – for everyone in your business. But first, you need a strategy. What’s your baseline level of security knowledge? What are the biggest […]

June 23

Topic: Cyber Security

Back Up Your Data Every Day

Backing up your data is one of the strongest precautions you can take. Set it up properly and make it part of your routine to check that it’s working. Because one day your backup could save your business. What should you back up? How often should you do it? How do you choose a solution? What tech […]

May 23

Topic: IT Support

“Wouldn’t it be great if…” How to start planning a big IT project

A major change to your IT infrastructure isn’t something to be planned in a hurry. So if you’re starting to think about ending it with your current systems and bringing your business into the 2020s, there’s plenty to think about before you commit to another long-term relationship. How do you determine your needs?  Who should […]

April 23

Topic: Cyber Security

All businesses should adopt MFA. Now

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) means you need at least two pieces of information to log in to a device or an app. Perhaps a password plus a fingerprint, and possibly an extra, single-use code sent to your phone. Cyber criminals use increasingly sophisticated techniques to bypass security. So the more barriers you put in their way, […]

March 23

Topic: IT Support

Learn to talk tech with our IT Jargon Buster

Does IT jargon feel like an alien language? We steer clear of tech talk as much as possible when we’re working with our clients. But next time you need help with an IT issue, it could save you a lot of time if you have a few words of lingo in your locker. That’s why […]

February 23

Topic: Email Security

Getting to Grips with Email Security

Owners of small and medium-sized businesses often make the mistake of thinking that they aren’t on the criminals’ radar. But more than 40% of cyber attacks are aimed at small businesses – and email is usually the criminals’ way in. Our new guide, ‘Getting to Grips with Email Security’, reveals why you might be vulnerable, what you […]

January 23

Topic: Cyber Security

Your need-to-know guide to cloud security

The growth of cloud computing has completely changed how we work. But security in a cloud environment can create a long list of its own challenges. In our new guide, we cut through the jargon to give you all you need to know to protect your business. You’ll discover what you can do for yourself […]

December 22

Topic: Business Technology

The next 10 years: 8 tech trends you’ll need to be ready for

December is a month when many of us will be taking some time to plan for the year ahead. But, just for today, instead of looking at your forecasts for the next 12 months, I’d like you to take some time to think about what’s coming up over the next 10 years. Especially when it […]

November 22

Topic: Business Productivity

How to get faster Wi-Fi in your office and for remote workers

Let’s list the basic essentials for life: Air, water, food and fast Wi-Fi. If you have teenagers you’ll know that last one is only just beaten by air… We rely on Wi-Fi every day for: Basic communication Accessing our applications Storing and accessing data Keeping our devices up-to-date and safe Giving customers a great experience […]

October 22

Topic: Cyber Security

Everything you need to know about password managers

If you’re confused about password managers, you’re not alone. A password manager is software that generates safe passwords, remembers them, and autofills logins for you. That saves time. But means your business can quickly lock out staff when they leave. Some people say they’re the best thing ever. Others are more negative. We believe they’re […]

September 22

Topic: Email Security

The business owner’s complete guide to phishing

Chances are you know about phishing. It’s where someone sends you a fake email pretending to be someone else. They’re hoping you’ll click a bad link or download a dangerous attachment. It’s one of the biggest kinds of cybercrime. But do you know what the red flags are?

August 22

Topic: Business Productivity

How to get the perfect video call setup, whatever your budget

Have you noticed how hybrid and remote workers fall into one of two categories when it comes to video calling?  The first group are those who use the built-in webcam on their laptop. They usually look like they’re sitting in a dark room, and their background is full of distractions. The second group are more […]

July 22

Topic: Cyber Security

The biggest security threat to your business is on your payroll

Revealed: Look at the real cost of insider attacks – and how to prevent them The chance of your business’s data being breached by an inside attack is high. Most inside attacks are accidental. A well-meaning employee clicks on a bad link by mistake. But there are some attacks caused by malicious attackers, deliberately looking […]

June 22

Topic: Business Productivity

The business owner’s briefing: Reduce the burden on your brain

How to  focus more, be interrupted less… and get more done. As a business owner your cognitive load can really be overwhelming, daunting and even unmanageable at times. Not only do you have your own work to think about, but your focus often has to be split between that and what your people need from […]

May 22

Topic: Business Technology

Digital Transformation for your Business

Who is guiding your digital IT transformation As an ambitious business owner, you’re always looking for new ways to help your business develop, improve and grow, no matter how successful it already is. You’ll also want to improve the experience for your customers. And of course, you’ll be aware that your IT infrastructure plays a […]

April 22

Topic: Cloud Security

Your Essential Cloud Migration Strategy Checklist

A migration is a big complicated, time-consuming thing. And it definitely comes with certain dangers. “I can’t lose any of these files and documents!” “How do we know that everything will be transferred correctly?” These questions are answered after a lot of hard work. But with hard work comes great reward. Let’s talk about Cloud […]

March 22

Topic: Business Technology

The 7 KPIs for ROI from IT

How to ensure your business’s spend on IT is an investment, and never an expense No matter what kind of business you run, technology sits at the heart of it today. And it’s going to become more and more important in the future. Big business thinkers see IT as a long-term investment. They understand the […]

Feb 22

Topic: Remote Workers

The security problem of John’s “other” laptop

Is the home working security question still affecting your business? How to keep your business’s data ultra-safe during the Work From Home revolution Working From Home and hybrid working are here to stay. And that means as businesses, we need to get a grip on security in our staff’s homes as much as we do […]

January 22

Topic: Business Technology

Did you get a short break at Christmas?

Even if it was just a few days, that break can give you huge clarity of thinking about where to take your business this year. We call this the January Refresh & Refocus. Let us tell you the two technology areas that will be the most important in 2022. They are Defend and Invest. Defend is about protecting […]

December 21

Topic: IT Support

Are you really paying your IT Support partner enough?

Surprising question? I bet that’s a question you’ve never asked yourself before… But it’s important you do. Because in the world of technology, there’s a definite link between what you pay, and the quality of the service you receive. Picking an IT provider on price alone is a false economy. If you’re paying too little, you’re […]

November 21

Topic: Microsoft Windows

It’s a Massive Launch Month!

Don’t Dive Head-First into Windows 11 Without Reading this First Is your PC ready for Windows 11? How can you find out more? If your devices are not ready what can you do? Do you need some expert guidance to audit your Windows 11 panorama?

October 21

Topic: Cyber Security

Every Business Will Face A Ransomware Attack

Be prepared:  Sooner or later your business WILL be attacked 5 steps to improve your ransomware resilience Ransomware is the most terrifying data security threat your business has ever faced. Imagine all your staff trying to login one morning. But all of them get a bright red screen saying your data has been locked away, […]

September 21

Topic: IT Support

It’s time to switch your IT Partner

If your IT support company is ALWAYS fixing your technology… it’s time to switch Improve profits with your IT partner’s Proactive Problem Prevention Just fixing technology when it breaks is so 2010. These days most businesses prefer an IT partner who proactively prevents problems from happening. If you don’t have this, you really need to […]

August 21

Topic: Microsoft 365

Let’s talk about the hidden treasures of Microsoft 365

Most businesses get MS 365 just to access Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Teams. And then they discover there are so many other apps included. How many of these hidden gems could improve the productivity of your team? What are these additional 365 tools for? We have chosen 10 apps that might just make a difference […]

June 21

Topic: Cyber Security

These are the threats to worry about

An easy to read guide to the 9 most terrifying types of malware All businesses are being targeted by malware, all the time. And it’s estimated there are now one billion pieces of it out there. What is malware? It’s malicious software that’s been designed to do damage to your IT systems, or steal your […]

May 21

Topic: Business Security

Crisis: Your office is on fire

This is something none of us wants to experience. But it does happen. There’s a small fire in your office. No-one is hurt and everyone is safe. But the damage to your workplace is unbelievable. Here’s a good question – if there had been a fire in your office last night, what would you wish […]

April 21

Topic: Cyber Security

Cyber-crime: Your business’s 5 step plan to prepare and protect

Two years ago, two thirds of all organisations reported some type of incident relating to cyber-crime. That’s bound to be higher now because of the fraud opportunities created by the rush to Work From Home. In fact, overall the world economy loses more than $1 trillion to cyber-crime every year. It’s a figure that’s increased […]

March 21

Topic: Business Technology

What are the 7 signs that you really do need a new computer?

The current economic climate is not ideal for spending crazy money on replacing IT hardware across your company. How can you really know where that IT and Communications budget would be best spent? What signs should you look out for when deciding whether to replace or repair your IT hardware? Is it really dangerous for […]

February 21

Topic: IT Support

The top 5 questions you could ask us, that we’d love to say ‘YES’ to

Due to the pandemic and the lockdown, hundreds of local businesses have now questioned the quality of the IT support they were receiving. Is it what they really need? Should it be doing more? Much more? Your Cloud Works has been very busy recently talking to local businesses, and onboarding new clients as their trusted […]

January 21

Topic: Business Productivity

Your 12 page guide to Productivity in 2021

Would you agree that we need to attack 2021 with positivity? To shake off the memories of 2020, let’s focus on improving sales and profitability? Excellent. We have noticed a great need to help business teams to get more done in less time with the best possible tools. Our new productivity super guide is looking […]

December 20

Topic: IT Support

What IT Strategy is Right for your Business in 2021?

Let’s take a closer look at the 5 key areas that need to be addressed in your IT strategy for 2021. Let’s face it, 2020 has been a real struggle, but financially the next couple of years will be all about recovery and business strategy. Have a read through our free December guide and see […]

November 20

Topic: Cyber Security

How would you know about a ransomware attack on your PC?

A ransomware attack is one of the most terrifying things that can happen to your business. It is a Cyber Kidnap using your data! Sadly most people don’t realise is that hackers access your system many days before they launch the attack. It takes time for them to set it up, and prevent your IT Partners […]

October 20

Topic: Business Security

The ultimate secret weapon for keeping your business data safe

Cyber Security Awareness training for every member of your team! Of course you should have an IT partner protecting you with a blended security package (blended means getting the right mix of security products that protect you and your staff, without inconveniencing you while you’re trying to work. It’s a balancing act), but your staff […]

September 20

Topic: Remote Workers

Are you set up for working anywhere, on any device at any time?

2020 has thrown some unusual business changes at us. Your staff are getting used to working from home, or getting back to the office, or between both. They need guidelines on secure IT usage and data protection, this guide will help.

August 20

Topic: Cyber Security

Ransomware is still the fastest growing crime on the planet

But what does it mean to your business? How can you protect your team and your data? Read the stats and then the steps that can prevent your business from falling into the jaws of ransomware.

July 20

Topic: Microsoft Teams

Improve how you work from home or the office with Microsoft Teams

Unless you’ve been living on another planet, you’ve probably noticed that things have been a little… strange, lately. Covid has changed the way we do pretty much everything. And it looks as though it will be some time before things go back to the way they were. If at all.

June 20

Topic: IT Support

5 DIFFICULT QUESTIONS to ask an IT support company

Loads of businesses decided during lockdown that it was time to move to a new IT support company. Because of the way they were treated when lockdown happened, and while they were working from home.

May 20

Topic: Business Productivity

After Lockdown what Happens Next?

Preparing to go back to your workplace. There are three main elements to plan for…

April 20

Topic: Business Security

Bring Your Own Device

7 Steps to keeping your company data safe on your staff’s devices