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Technology Insider is our Monthly Newsletter

Welcome to the Technology Insider Newsletter Archive!

At Your Cloud Works, we understand the importance of staying informed in the fast-paced world of technology. Our monthly newsletter, Technology Insider, is designed to bring you the latest tech news, insightful “Did You Know” facts, and much more. This page serves as your gateway to our extensive archive of newsletters, ensuring you never miss out on any critical updates or valuable information.

Each edition of Technology Insider delves into a current tech topic, providing you with a wealth of useful information. Inside, you’ll find tech facts, Q&A sessions, introductions to new products, and much more. Our goal is to equip you with the knowledge you need to navigate the complexities of the tech landscape and keep your business at the forefront of innovation. Feel free to download your free copy of any newsletter below—no information required. Explore our archives and stay connected with the ever-evolving world of technology, empowering your business to thrive and succeed.

Oct 2024

Topic: Cyber Security

Technology Insider | October 2024

The tech wake-up call you may need Welcome to the October 2024 edition of our Technology Insider newsletter. A wake-up call can be a good thing. It can save you [...]

Sept 2024

Topic: Security Awareness Training

Technology Insider | September 2024

Is it time to be more like Alex? Welcome to the September 2024 edition of our Technology Insider newsletter. Sometimes it’s OK to stand back and let someone else take [...]

Security Awareness Training

August 2024

Topic: Windows 11 Productivity

Technology Insider | August 2024

Windows 11’s hidden gems Welcome to the August 2024 edition of our Technology Insider newsletter. We all welcome a productivity boost. And Windows 11 is packed full of tools and [...]

Windows 11

July 2024

Topic: Stolen Laptop, Safe Data

Technology Insider | July 2024

Now… where did I leave my laptop? Welcome to the July 2024 edition of our Technology Insider newsletter. If you’ve ever lost a laptop, you’ll understand the sheer panic that [...]

Cyber Attack, Cyber Security, Data Backups, IT Security

June 2024

Topic: Business Disaster Recovery

Technology Insider | June 2024

Do you have a recovery plan in place? Welcome to the June 2024 edition of our Technology Insider newsletter. It’s a sad reality that at some point, your business is [...]

Business Security, Data Backups

May 2024

Topic: Password Security

Technology Insider | May 2024

You’d be lost without your email – so keep it secure! Welcome to the May 2024 edition of our Technology Insider newsletter. If there’s one tool in your business you [...]

Cyber Attack, Password Security

April 2024

Topic: Password Security

Technology Insider | April 2024

It’s time to fix your risky password habits Welcome to the April 2024 edition of our Technology Insider newsletter. Cyber security training is crucial, but equally important is getting good [...]

Cyber Attack, Cyber Security, IT Support, Password Manager, Password Security

download pdf

March 2024

Topic: Windows 11

Technology Insider | March 2024

Is your business ready for a Windows 11 upgrade? You’re ready to bite the bullet and upgrade to Windows 11. After all, the new features and tools are too good [...]

Software Updates, Windows 11, Windows Update

Feb 2024

Topic: Notifications

Technology Insider | February 2024

Notifications: Let’s get the balance right Welcome to the February 2024 edition of our Technology Insider newsletter. PING! In this month’s newsletter we look at notifications and how they could [...]

Encryption, Firewalls, LIvescribe Echo 2 SMart Pen, Notifications, Tech Facts, Voice Access, Windows 11, Windows Speech

January 2024

Topic: IT Strategy

Technology Insider | January 2024

Put these 7 things in your 2024 IT strategy Welcome to the January 2024 edition of our Technology Insider newsletter – Happy New Year! To kick off 2024 the right [...]

IT Strategy, IT Support, Technology Consultancy

Dec 2023

Topic: Google's Business Lead

Technology Insider | December 2023

Should your business follow Google’s lead? Welcome to the December 2023 edition of our Technology Insider newsletter. This month we’re wondering whether Google is setting a good example when it [...]

Google's Business Lead, IT Security, Outlook Emails, Phishing Attacks, Security Strategy

Nov 2023

Topic: Watch these 3 Security Threats

Technology Insider | November 2023

Three cyber security threats your team MUST know about Welcome to the November 2023 edition of our Technology Insider newsletter. This month we’re talking security. It’s serious business and something [...]

Battery Saving, Cyber Security, IT Security, Security Awareness, Windows 11

October 2023

Topic: Collaboration tools carry security risks

Technology Insider | October 2023

Collaboration tools are GREAT. But are they a security risk? Welcome to the October 2023 edition of our Technology Insider newsletter. We’ve been using collaboration tools religiously for several years [...]

Business Security, Collaboration, Cyber Security, Google Chrome, IT Support

Sep 2023

Topic: Planning your Digital Transformation

Technology Insider | September 2023

Planning digital transformation? Don’t forget your people Welcome to the September 2023 edition of our Technology Insider newsletter. Digital transformation is where you introduce new technology across every part of [...]

Bing, Digital Transformation, OneDrive, Phishing Attacks

August 2023

Topic: Cyber Security Fatigue

Technology Insider | August 2023

Is your team suffering from cyber security fatigue? Welcome to the August 2023 edition of our Technology Insider newsletter. Cyber security fatigue is a worrying new trend that we’re seeing [...]

Cortana Gone, Cyber Security Fatigue, Microsoft 365 Mac, Video Meetings

July 2023

Topic: A Boost with Better Tech

Technology Insider | July 2023

Could better tech really boost your team’s engagement? Welcome to the July 2023 edition of our Technology Insider newsletter. As the stresses of everyday life increase, it can become difficult [...]

Better Tech, OneNote, Report a Cyber Attack, Staff Motivation

June 2023

Topic: Secure Remote Working

Thinking of moving to a smaller office?

Are you thinking about downsizing your office space, or going fully remote? Moves can be stressful, and relocating your IT systems takes careful planning. Read our top three suggestions to [...]

Downsizing, Microsoft 365, Windows 11

May 23

Topic: Continuous Cyber Security

A four-day week doesn’t mean four-day security

Are you one of the many companies around the world that’s looking at a four-day working week? Perhaps you’ve already made the leap. But what does it mean for your [...]

Four Day Week, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Edge, Software Licences

April 2023

Topic: Smartphones

Smartphones are now the preferred device for mobile work

Smartphones have taken over from laptops as most people’s preferred portable work tool. But that creates a new set of security risks to be aware of. We have the latest [...]

Chrome Extensions, Fake Software, Microsoft Teams, Smartphones

March 2023

Topic: Chrome Browser

Make your Chrome browser work harder

Google Chrome users could be ramping up their productivity by making more use of Extensions. There are hundreds of these small, free, add-on programs available for the world’s most-used web [...]

Chrome Browser, Excel, Microsoft Teams

Feruary 2023

Topic: Business Technology

Don’t waste money on the wrong tech

Have you ever felt like you’ve wasted money on technology that you thought would change your world? The wrong IT choices can end up being more trouble than they’re worth. [...]

Business Technology, Microsoft Teams, Password Security, Workplace Digitalisation

January 2023

Topic: IT Hacks for Energy Saving

IT hacks to help cut your energy bill

We’re all watching our energy bills going through the roof, but that doesn’t mean you should stand back and let it happen. There’s a lot you can do to reduce [...]

Business Productivity, Business Technology, Energy Saving, Internet Browser, Outlook Mobile

Dec 2022

Topic: Business in the Metaverse

Can you imagine doing business in the Metaverse?

We start this month discussing the Metaverse. Imagine a massive 3D virtual space which mimics aspects of the physical world. We can all meet there at the same time, perhaps [...]

Cyber Attack, Cyber Security, Metaverse, Wi-Fi

Nov 2022

Topic: Zero Trust Security

Zero trust: The perfect security setup? Or a productivity killer?

We start this month discussing something called zero trust. This is a way of operating your network that treats every device and login as a threat until proven otherwise. Which [...]

Microsoft 365, Microsoft Teams, Ransomware, Zero Trust

October 2022

Topic: Staff Digital Services

Do you know exactly what services your staff are signing up for?

Do some of your team sign up for software to get a job done, and then abandon their accounts? Nothing wrong with that so long as they’ve followed password best [...]

Business Productivity, Business Security, Excel, Software Licences, Word

Sept 2022

Topic: Business Automation

Here’s why you need to automate more

Automation is AMAZING. It has nothing but benefits for your business, including removing boring repetitive tasks that your staff hate doing… increasing overall productivity… and job satisfaction. It can improve [...]

Better Business, Business Automation, Business Productivity, Business Technology, Outlook Signature

August 2022

Topic: Business Security Best Practices

Key business security recommendations and best practices

Keep up to date with key business security recommendations and best practices for your IT infrastructure No-one likes spam. It’s not just a pain (and a security risk) in your [...]

Best Practices, Business Security, Outlook Emails, Ransomware

July 2022

Topic: Working from Home

Hybrid Working: Hate it or rate it?

How do you feel about hybrid working, the mix of working remotely and in the office? Working from home has a very specific effect on your team’s productivity – and [...]

Hybrid Working, Metaverse, Password Security, Working from Home

June 2022

Topic: Secure Home Working

Two thirds of people working remotely are using faulty devices

Keep up to date with key business security recommendations and best practices for your IT infrastructure Did you know two thirds of people working remotely are using faulty devices. And [...]

Better Business, Business Security, Secure Home Working, Tech Facts

May 2022

Topic: Business Productivity

Productivity Tools: What’s Next?

The development of the world’s productivity software has been amazing over the last couple of years. In our lead story this month, we ask you the simple question: If you [...]

Business Productivity, Business Technology, Microsoft Teams

April 2022

Topic: Business Technology

33% of UK employees are more likely to accept a job that includes MAC devices!

Keep up to date with key business security recommendations and best practices for your IT infrastructure Are you even reading this correctly? 33% of UK employees are more likely to [...]

Better Tech, Business Technology, Microsoft 365 Mac, Youtube

March 2022

Topic: Video Call Etiquette

How is your video call etiquette?

How is your video call etiquette? After two solid years on remote meetings and video calls we should know a thing or two about Zoom, Teams and Google Meet. Also [...]

Business Technology, Video Call Etiquette, Video Meetings

Feb 2022

Topic: Business Productivity

The Process of Turning Work into a Game

No matter how fun your workplace, I bet there are dull jobs that have to be done. People can quickly get bored of these jobs and that’s when mistakes creep [...]

Business Productivity, Business Technology

January 2022

Topic: Password Managers

How many businesses are really using a password manager now?

With a new year comes new challenges, new technology and new business solutions. We are helping our partners to stay ahead of the curve. The Power of The Password Manager [...]

Business Security, Cyber Security, Password Managers

Dec 2021

Topic: Data Breaches

98% of all businesses have experienced at least one breach of their data

Keep up to date with key business security recommendations and best practices for your IT infrastructure A report recently found that a massive 98% of all businesses have experienced at [...]

Business Security, Cyber Attack, Cyber Security, Data Breaches

Nov 2021

Topic: Password Security

Are your team still reusing passwords?

This month we are taking a look at some interesting habits that are still affecting business worldwide. How dangerous is it to continue reusing passwords? What are man-in-the-middle cyber attacks? [...]

Cyber Security, Internet Browser, Password Security, PC Hardware

October 2021

Topic: Software Updates

You must run software updates

Keep up to date with key business security recommendations and best practices for your IT infrastructure No-one likes updating software. Yet keeping all devices up-to-date all the time is one [...]

IT Security, Ransomware, Software Updates

Sept 2021

Topic: Password Security

What repeat tasks could you automate?

Are there tasks that you and your team repeat every day? Maybe they can be automated in some way. You’d be surprised how many routine jobs can be automated in [...]

Microsoft Teams, Password Security, Windows 11

August 2021

Topic: IT Security

Let’s answer those difficult questions about company data

Keep up to date with key business security recommendations and best practices for your IT infrastructure Let’s answer those difficult questions about company data on your staff’s mobile phones Which [...]

Business Productivity, IT Security, Social Media

July 2021

Topic: Biometrics Security

Is it time to move to biometrics over passwords?

We continually put together important technology insights to help keep your business safe and productive Is it time to move to biometrics over passwords? How are you helping your team [...]

Biometrics Security, Business Security, Cyber Security Fatigue

June 2021

Topic: Malware Victims

4 businesses become victims of malware every minute

Keep up to date with key business security recommendations and best practices for your IT infrastructure 4 businesses become victims of malware every minute How can Alexa help you to [...]

Cyber Attack, Cyber Security, Malware

May 2021

Topic: Working from Home

Is working from home really working?

We continually put together important technology insights to help keep your business safe and productive Is working from home really working? Are you and your team aware of the dangers [...]

Business Security, Secure Home Working

April 2021

Topic: Data Breach Costs

How much would a data breach really cost your company?

How much would a data breach really cost your company? Do your staff know how to recuperate that lost document in a couple of clicks? 76% of Office employees now [...]

Business Security, Cyber Attack, Cyber Security, Data Breaches

March 2021

Topic: Prevent Cyber Crime

Let’s hit back at cyber criminals

Let’s hit back at cyber criminals by training every member of our team to stay safe Smishing is the latest boom in SMS messages for cyber fraud Can we help [...]

Business Security, Cyber Attack, Cyber Security

Feb 2021

Topic: Reduce IT Costs

We are still helping local businesses to reduce IT costs

We are still helping local businesses to reduce IT costs… Every person on your team needs cyber security training. Including you! What key change would your business benefit from right [...]

IT Security, IT Strategy, IT Support

January 2021

Topic: Talk to an IT Expert

Are you looking forward to a productive 2021?

2020: HARDEST YEAR EVER? 2021: NEW POSSIBILITIES? Are you looking forward to a productive 2021? Is it time to talk to an expert and really reduce your IT costs? Call [...]

Better Business, Business Automation, Business Productivity, Business Security

Dec 2020

Topic: Business Technology

How can you reduce your IT costs in 2021?

BRAND NEW FORMAT AND MORE FOR OUR READERS How can you reduce your IT costs in 2021? Which simple business technology change will really improve your productivity? When was the [...]

Business Productivity, Business Security, Business Technology, IT Support

Nov 2020

Topic: Data Backups

When did you last check your business data backup?

BRAND NEW FORMAT AND MORE FOR OUR READERS When did you last check your business data backup? Are all businesses really under the threat of a Cyber Attack? Is it [...]

Business Security, Cyber Security, Data Backups

October 2020

Topic: Security Awareness Training

Staff Security Awareness Training

INSIDE THIS EDITION OF TECHNOLOGY INSIDER Are your staff really up-to-date with their Security Awareness training? Do you have both long and short term plans ready for your remote staff [...]

Business Productivity, Business Security, Security Awareness Training

Sept 2020

Topic: 3 Questions for your IT Supplier

The new normal for business IT

The new normal for business IT, what help do you need? How can you make sure that your team is safe and connected? Internet Connectivity for the new normal. Introducing [...]

3 Questions for your IT Supplier, Cyber Security, IT Security, IT Support, Secure Home Working

August 2020

Topic: Business Data Backups

Is your business data being backed up correctly?

INSIDE THIS EDITION OF TECHNOLOGY INSIDER Is your business data being backed up correctly? Many businesses have found out too late.


Business Security, Cyber Security, Data Backups

July 2020

Topic: Cyber Security

What it’s like to be hacked

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be hacked? This is the true horror of it. We work with our partners to protect your business against all types of [...]

Business Security, Business Technology, Cyber Security, Hacking

May 2020

Topic: Email Security

New Publication : Email Lockdown

We talk about why Windows 7 will leave your business in the dark ages, helpful Office 365 applications and a bunch of tech tips that you’ll want to know.   [...]

Cyber Attack, Cyber Security, Email Security, IT Support

Monthly Technology Insider

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