The Danes, 2 Reindeer Court, Potterspury, NN12 7FB

OPENING TIMES: Mon-Fri: 8:30 to 18:00

Your Security is our primary focus

Smartphones are now the preferred device for mobile work

Smartphones have taken over from laptops as most people’s preferred portable work tool. But that creates a new set of security risks to be aware of. We have the latest advice. What’s all the fuss about ChatGPT? The AI chatbot has been making the news around the world for some of the remarkable possibilities it seems […]

Make your Chrome browser work harder

Google Chrome users could be ramping up their productivity by making more use of Extensions. There are hundreds of these small, free, add-on programs available for the world’s most-used web browser. Some just turn your cursor into a pizza slice – because why not? – but some have more practical uses that can help you […]

Don’t waste money on the wrong tech

Have you ever felt like you’ve wasted money on technology that you thought would change your world? The wrong IT choices can end up being more trouble than they’re worth. That leaves you to foot the bill for a solution that solves nothing or, worse, creates problems of its own. This month, we have some great advice […]

Zero trust: The perfect security setup? Or a productivity killer?

We start this month discussing something called zero trust. This is a way of operating your network that treats every device and login as a threat until proven otherwise. Which is great for security but can have a negative effect on productivity. Have a read, and let me know if you think it’s time to […]

Productivity Tools: What’s Next?

The development of the world’s productivity software has been amazing over the last couple of years. In our lead story this month, we ask you the simple question: If you could wave a magic wand, what application would you like to see to make your business better? Also inside this month: An app that makes […]

What repeat tasks could you automate?

Are there tasks that you and your team repeat every day? Maybe they can be automated in some way. You’d be surprised how many routine jobs can be automated in some way. We explore that in this month’s newsletter. Also inside this month: Many people use the same three passwords across all their apps and […]

Improve how you work from home or the office with Microsoft Teams

Unless you’ve been living on another planet, you’ve probably noticed that things have been a little… strange, lately. Covid has changed the way we do pretty much everything. And it looks as though it will be some time before things go back to the way they were. If at all.