Your Security is our primary focus

MON - FRI: 8:30 to 18:00

Helpdesk Opening Hours

Emergency Support

Not a client? Not a problem.
We can still support you

Customer Support

Service Level Agreement (SLA)

There are different levels of service request priority that we consider

We’d love to treat every request as a Critical issue for you, however the reality is that if you have a real Critical issue, you’d no doubt want us to stop working on low priority tasks to work on your Critical issue. So, that’s exactly what we do.

If we’re working on a low priority request (like a new user) and a Critical issue (like a complete network outage) comes through, we quickly wrap up the low priority request and jump on to your Critical request.

Whatever the situation we do our very best to respond and solve it with speed and efficiency for you.

This table offers a guide to our target response times for different types of support requests.