The Danes, 2 Reindeer Court, Potterspury, NN12 7FB
OPENING TIMES: Mon-Fri: 8:30 to 18:00
Many people have commented that their IT support company are so good that they never seem to need them or hear from them, it all runs smoothly.
As with any business to business service provider, yout IT support company charges you for the services and goods that they deliver to you each month. Many years ago the break-fix method was all the rage as people jumped on the phone to call for assistance when their PC had a problem. The technician would add you to his list and hopefully arrive at your office at some time during the same day to “fix” your problem. At that time the ad-hoc, pay as you go method was also popular, and you would get an invoice through detailing time, transport, parts etc after each “fix”.
Thankfully, technology has advanced and we now offer and require immediate answers, and with remote connection capabilities, most IT related issues can be diagnosed and solved in the time it takes you to make that initial phone call. Your payment options have improved with time too. Monthly Service and Support packages are available that cover all aspects of IT Security and Support, you can build your package according to the specific requirements for your business.
When you consider the importance of cost control and data security in business today, you are forced to take some time to analyse your current IT suppliers monthly costs and level of security for your business. The old attitude of “we have been with them for years” can create a dangerous false sense of security. As a business owner or administrator, you really do need to ask the right questions, and be sure of which members of your team know the answers to those IT related questions. If it is true in your case that you never really hear from your IT support provider, something is wrong. A proactive, security aware Managed Service Provider will set up regular communications to monitor the progress of your business, and help you to map out your technology landscape, to offer you the best possible Security and Support at all times.
“The direct debit goes out quietly each month, I really don’t worry too much about it” – All businesses are carefully monitoring their monthly costs, and IT Support is one cost that can start at £196 per month in 2016, and before you realise, you are paying £524 per month in 2019. What will it be in 2020? It should not take too long to discover your real IT Support costs at your business, and then compare what you are currently paying with a transparent offer from another MSP. This simple process will give you the tools to make an informed decision, about reducing IT costs.
“We are a small business, there are just 5 of us here in the office. Why would we need Cybersecurity or IT support that we almost never need.” – That might indicate that you are still paying ad-hoc for IT support. Rather than costs being a worry you area of concern should really be around the Security of your business and client data. The method of calling for help when a problem occurs, opens many doors to cyber insecurity. All of these dangerous doors are closed if you have a complete monthly business protection package from a trusted MSSP that focuses on business security. The mentality that your business is too small, will leave holes in your business security, and that is why 60% of Small and Medium Businesses have already suffered a significant cyber breach in 2019.
“We have used the same IT guys for a long time now” – That can be a good thing in some cases, especially if that loyalty is well deserved, earned through great service and security over the years. On the other hand that phrase has often been a smokescreen that covers up the reality of low cost, inconsistent IT Support. Whatever amount your company is paying for IT support each month, you are paying it for a complete service that was outlined in your original contract. Would it hurt to take some time to look around and see if it is time to move ahead and improve your Managed IT Security and Support, with a new partner? In a recent study that focused on SMBs across 8 countries, over 80% of decision makers said that their main reason to change their IT support company would be to improve the levels of security offered by a new partner.
If you think about your children going to school everyday, you are happy to leave your most precious possessions in the hands of their teachers. How would you feel if you get to the end of the school year and you hear from those teachers for the very first time? Throughout the year there must have been ups and downs, issues to be attended to, progress and good signs along with aspects that really could be improved. Well your business is providing for those very same children. Your IT support partner should be in communication to offer proactive feedback and recommendations on how best to protect your business. Have they ever offered you a FREE Dark Web Business Identity Scan? If your business is under attack from any type of cyber criminal you would expect your Managed Security and Support Provider to inform you and solve the issue, along with recommendations for improved security. Is your IT support partner training your staff, helping them to be aware of the hidden dangers of phishing emails or malicious internet scams? This ongoing security awareness programme is part of all monthly security packages at Your Cloud Works for one simple reason; your staff are your first line of cyber defense.
In short, no, it is not a good sign that you never hear from your IT support company. A help desk provides support and solutions at specific times of need, and our help desk will do that for your company during office hours or 24/7 as you require. Your MSSP is more that just a help desk, you need a proactive IT partner that will focus on your business security and offer guidance on a regular basis, helping you to plan for you IT requirements ahead of time. Please feel free to contact us to discuss those needs that your business has. Let’s see how we can start a conversation that ends up protecting your business long-term.
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The Danes
2 Reindeer Court
NN12 7FB
Company Reg No. 07452136
VAT Number: GB102703663