Your Security is our primary focus

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Your Business Security is our

Cyber Crime is still the world's fastest growing business

As a business owner you can no longer ignore the importance of protecting your investment from all types of cyber crime.

Criminals will look for your weakest link.

Do you worry about any of these?

What damage would a security breach do to your business's reputation and brand?

Quick Security check...

Have you been receiving lots of spam or dodgy email recently?

We would be happy to check your email address to see if your details have been listed on the Dark Web.

If we find your email address has been listed we will notify you and perform a more indepth search in the background. Once we have the results we will send you an email to invite you to a 30 min conference call to discuss findings and how we can help you clear your information.

If you are interested in your Dark Web security, pop your email in the “Ask the expert” form below and request your free dark web scan. The results are completely private and confidential, we will send them through to your inbox.

Ask the expert...

Got a question you want answered, simply fill in the form below and
we will get an answer back to your inbox within 24 hours

"Among the 46% of businesses that identified breaches or attacks, one in five (19%) have experienced a material outcome, losing money or data. Two in five (39%) were negatively impacted, for example requiring new measures, having staff time diverted or causing wider business disruption."

Cyber Security protection starts with Your Cloud Works...

...are you certified?

Email Security
Phishing Protection

IRONSCALES is a comprehensive self-learning email security platform for both security teams and employees, designed to quickly detect nefarious emails slipping through traditional anti-phishing defences, responding to them automatically in seconds, blocking them for good

  • We help you continuously fight phishing where it hurts the most… Inside your inbox.
  • The best time to stop phishing emails is before they hit the mailbox, yet 25% of attacks get past existing defences.
  • With 82 seconds on average, until the first click is lured, the second-best time is now.

As humans, users and team members we can make mistakes, so we rely on Ironscales AI email protection to have our back.

Endpoint Protection

SentinelOne Endpoint Detection and Remediation :

  • Persistent threat monitoring and prevention is powered by SentinelOne, security software that identifies the root causes of the threats, reversing the malicious attempts in the early stages, preventing incidents to penetrate your systems.
  • The highest level of cybersecurity for any business.
  • Continual threat protection, remediation, incident response, and malicious attack rollback.
  • All that with the 24/7 support from the experienced SentinelOne response team.
  • Weekly scan reports, including anomalies and remediation steps.

DNS Protection

Protection Everywhere and then some.

A.I. Powered Protection on Any Device and Any Network

  • Powered by Artificial Intelligence
  • Protection Against Online Threats
  • Web Content Filtering
  • Dynamic DNS
  • Off Network Protection

Dark Web Protection

What is the Dark Web?

What is Dark Web Scanning or monitoring?

Why is it important for your business security?

What is the Dark Web?

The dark web is a part of the internet where most criminal activity occurs. It is the preferred space used by cyber criminals to buy and sell stolen data online. Business and personal credentials can be acquired by the highest bidder.   

If any of your credentials or personal information are out there on the Dark Web, then you have suffered a data breach. That data breach could have occurred at any time, on any insecure website or through a suspicious link in an email, or even through an app on your mobile phone. The danger is that your valuable data and credentials are in the hands of capable cyber criminals, and you don’t even know about it. What do you think will happen next?

What is Dark Web Scanning?

How could you ever know if you have suffered a data breach and your credentials are in criminal hands and available on the Dark Web? 

Only by using a Dark Web Scanner. Dark Web monitoring or scanning is a security process that constantly monitors dark web activity across the globe looking for any breach data linked to your email domain, business email accounts and even personal email accounts.

We run 24 hour scans on your accounts to discover any new breaches related to your personal or business domain email accounts. You will be alerted immediately when a breach has occurred. Giving you such important details as which email account, which password (and whether it has been decrypted) and even when and how the breach occurred, when available.

Once you have been informed about a compromised email account, then together we can take the correct remediation steps to mitigate the data breach.

"It’s the intelligent way to prevent future attacks, and mitigate past breaches."

Why is it important for your business security?

That’s why Dark Web monitoring is vital for your business. It’s the intelligent way to prevent future attacks, and mitigate past breaches. 

As Dark Web monitoring is an identity theft prevention process, it allows you to monitor any presence of your confidential business data on the dark web and be notified immediately if your stolen credentials are found online. You don’t have to worry, as we do the scanning for you. 

Knowing about breached credentials will help you limit the damage of a data breach and take action to protect your business, staff and clients from a damaging future attack.

You have already taken steps to protect your email accounts, to keep your website secure, to manage regular data backups and even protect all of your business hardware and software from cyber attacks. 

The last piece of the puzzle is your Dark Web monitoring, let’s discuss this further today. 

Watch our Ethical Hacker in action

Take a look behind the scenes as a hacker completes 3 different cyber attacks

YCW365 Security

In a nutshell, YCW365 Security, powered by MSP Easy Tools, is a complete set of tools designed to monitor and alert to changes to your Microsoft Office 365 platform.

"The admin section of a Office 365 Subscription can be quite daunting if you are not technically minded, and mistakes can lead to catastrophic problems."

Password Management

Secure Password Culture

Mitigates Risk of Data Breaches – Keeper Password Manager creates random, high-strength passwords for all websites and applications employees use then stores them in a secure vault on all employees’ devices.

Bolsters Security and Privacy – Each employee gets a private, encrypted vault for storing and managing their passwords, credentials, files and private client data.

What is the dangerous domino effect?

Boosts Employee Productivity – Saves employees time, frustration and eliminates the need for them to reset, reuse and remember passwords.

Enforces Compliance Standards – Strict and customisable role-based access controls, 2FA, usage auditing and event reporting provide industry compliance with Cyber Essentials, GDPR and more.

Staff Training

Your staff need to be trained and prepared to recognise cyber dangers and to develop an integral cyber secure culture in the workplace.

Your business data and that of your clients and suppliers have incredible value in the wrong hands.

GDPR came in to effect in 2018 to strengthen the guidelines on companies’ data storage, usage and protection, yet many small businesses have still been left scratching their heads.

We train your staff in the key areas of Cyber Security, the basics of GDPR and the changes in attitude that will solidify your business security.

Security awareness training is a vital ongoing process that strengthens your first line of defence against cybercrime.

One team member who clicks on a malicious link in a random email and your business has been breached. That is why training your human elements is essential for business today.

How would you like to plan for your team’s Cyber Security Awareness Training with us?

Let’s work together..

Join hundreds of very happy clients and feel the love again!

Book a slot for a coffee and online chat
with our Technology Strategist and founder Tony Capewell