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98% of all businesses have experienced at least one breach of their data

Keep up to date with key business security recommendations and best practices for your IT infrastructure

A report recently found that a massive 98% of all businesses have experienced at least one breach of their data stored in the cloud, over the past 18 months.

What? That’s almost ALL businesses.

Did you know… 65% of people reuse passwords?

While 92% of people know it’s a risk to reuse passwords, 65% of them still do it anyway.

As you read this, Windows 11 has been out for a couple of months already.

Have you seen it in action yet? We like it a lot. It’s visually beautiful, and builds on all the good work Microsoft did with Windows 10 (rather than starting again from scratch).

Our normal advice when a new operating system launches is to hang fire for some time until you can be sure it’s fully stable, and all the bugs have been wiped out.