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Zero trust: The perfect security setup? Or a productivity killer?

We start this month discussing something called zero trust. This is a way of operating your network that treats every device and login as a threat until proven otherwise. Which is great for security but can have a negative effect on productivity. Have a read, and let me know if you think it’s time to […]

How to get faster Wi-Fi in your office and for remote workers

Let’s list the basic essentials for life: Air, water, food and fast Wi-Fi. If you have teenagers you’ll know that last one is only just beaten by air… We rely on Wi-Fi every day for: Basic communication Accessing our applications Storing and accessing data Keeping our devices up-to-date and safe Giving customers a great experience […]

Could avatars make your Teams meetings more fun?

Do you inwardly (or outwardly) groan at the thought of yet another video call? They’re now a normal part of our working lives, but it doesn’t make them any more exciting. Good news: Microsoft is introducing Metaverse-style avatars, called Mesh avatars, to Teams. You’ll be able to design your own avatar, personalizing its appearance, accessories, and even choosing its reaction …

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